Funding Scheme Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR) (2007-2013)
Partner Country IT
Duration 2014-2015
Although the digital signature allows the authenticity of the author and the integrity of an electronic document to be established, it is still difficult to guarantee the identity of an individual. There are particular obstacles that do not allow the person to determine whether the identification is done online or without the physical presence of the subject.
On this basis and in accordance with the latest European Directives transposed at national level with the Italian Constitution Digital Agenda, the project PROCIDA (for Identity Certified PROject in the Digital Agenda) was created. Its main aim is to replace the large number of services already present network based on weak authentication systems (such as username / password access credentials). Its objective is also to provide a new generation of services based on innovative mechanisms for identifying users, which can, on the one hand, simplify access to services and on the other promote digital cooperation between public administration, citizens, organisations and individuals.
The PROCIDA project aims to define and implement a universal, robust, multichannel and federated authentication system with the industry’s leading operators so that each subject can be assigned secure online credential network and access to both available services as well as new innovative services that leverage personal certainty.
Personal Information Folder
Value-added service that, according to the cloud computing model, provides users with a repository of personal data online that is always accessible, from anywhere, in full mobility and at any time.
Identity access management
Universal, robust, multichannel and federated authentication system with industry leading operators to assign secure, credential digital credentials to every subject, enabling access to available services.