Roma +39 0644254074 - Milano +39 0240031289

The Team

These are the members of our team and over ten years of business they have grown with the enthusiasm of a large family.

The team of consultants combines a number of qualified and multidisciplinary skills and brings professionals, university lecturers, senior consultants, managers and solid experience together.


Giorgia Fiume

Giorgia Fiume

Senior partner - CEO

Innovation Manager enrolled in the MISE register
Chartered Accountant and Auditor of the Accounts with IT experience Background Experience Passion
Luca Satolli

Luca Satolli

Senior partner & Founder - Technology

Innovation Manager enrolled in the MISE register
IT manager with transverse skills acquired over time Background Experience Passion
Antonio Annibali

Antonio Annibali

senior partner - Actuarial Services

Actuary and Professor of Financial and Computer Mathematics

Background Experience Passion

Debora Valenti

Debora Valenti

senior consultant

Chartered Accountant and Accounting Auditor

Background Experience Passion

Giuseppe Ventrice

Giuseppe Ventrice


Practicing Accountant specialised in Finance Facilitated

Background Experience Passion

Federica Ippoliti

Federica Ippoliti

office manager

Executive Secretary with a strong background in tax

Background Experience Passion

Chiara Mancuso

Chiara Mancuso

office manager

Executive Secretary Background Experience Passion

Of Counsel

Francesco Bellini

Francesco Bellini

Senior partner & Founder

Innovation Manager enrolled in the MISE register
Chartered Accountant and Accounting Auditor Background Experience Passion  
Roberto Savarese

Roberto Savarese



Background Experience Passion


Domenico Meringolo

Domenico Meringolo



Background Experience Passion

Sergio Testa

Sergio Testa



Background Experience Passion

Laura Vellone

Laura Vellone



Background Experience Passion

Veronica Savarese

Veronica Savarese



Background Experience Passion


Simona Stefani

Simona Stefani

office manager


Background Experience Passion

Vito Cappellini

Vito Cappellini

scientific advisor