Instructional Designer
The Challenge
In an ever-changing scenario, training is the main lever to be timely and therefore competitive on the market. For most industries, new technologies, and above all, the ability to anticipate its use, are the key elements to allow company growth and, at the same time, a means of delivering more efficient, targeted and profitable training. The ever-changing context has therefore influenced the way of working and learning. Companies need more informative solutions with the ultimate goal of successfully addressing the necessary business transformation. In recent years, focus has shifted heavily to e-learning because of the agility of the solution and the minimisation of costs. From a qualitative point of view, it was not always possible to record a positive response as the training in many cases was only adapted to a frontal training with teacher video. New technologies have thus facilitated the way of fruition and did not improve the quality of training. In this context, the figure of the instructing designer, the person who cares for the design of the teaching path in its entirety, has a fundamental role, which has traverse skills both in teaching and in technology. This can therefore create an ad hoc training path on the basis of business needs. The instructional designer facilitates the transition from e-learning to technology enhanced learning. The academic focuses on the teaching of his subject whereas the instructional designer focuses on learning, evaluating, transferring knowledge, harmonising the entire educational path and increasing efficiency.The Solution
With its strong academic background and strong experience in the field of vocational education, Eurokleis provides instructional designers with a strong background for the definition of training projects. Eurokleis provides support in all the planning and post-design phases of the educational pathway, such as:- The analysis of training needs, available resources and constraints;
- Defining objectives;
- Developing tools and methods (teaching and assessment);
- The definition of content and times;
- Verifying if there is correlation between goals and results.
- Creating training paths by learning by doing
- Creating conditional training: based on constant evaluation during the course, the training content is re-formatted in real time and deepens or omits training part based on the learner’s knowledge
- Designing and Creating training pills: spotting content on specific issues which lasts between 30 to 45 minutes to provide in-depth studies or targeted training on certain topics
- Designing and creating serious games: learning games that stimulates the learner’s participation, re-constructs real cases and presents practical solutions
Course on the Head of the Procedure, ASAP Lazio RegionThe professionalism and competence of Eurokleis have been chosen by the Latium Region to follow the project of training of the ASAP, Agency for the Development of Public Administration.
The course is aimed at the training of officials and executives of the Lazio Region on the role of the head of the administrative process. The course was delivered with blended training, and includes an introduction to the classroom, the central body in e-learning and a meeting in the classroom for evaluation purposes.
In this case, the solution proposed by Eurokleis has been to structure the whole training process in an innovative manner creating a scene with 4 characters:
The Responsible of the Procedure
The official in charge of following the administrative procedure
The Citizen
The citizen who participates in the proceedings and interacts with the people in charge of the proceedings
The manager
The manager of the region who supervises the person in charge of the proceedings
The Academic
He/she deals with the transfer of knowledge, he/she states the law and assures that the learner focuses on important topics

The 4 characters, through dialogues, games and simulations, demonstrated situations, problems and solutions that could occur in a real administrative process.
The success of this course can be credited to the involvement and interactivity of the participants in the course, as well as the transfer of jurisprudence.
Authors of the article
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