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NEMESYS – Network Enterprise Management Ecosystem

PROJECT DETAILS Funding Scheme Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR)  (2007-2013) Partner Country IT Duration 2014-2015 Site NESESYS (Network Enterprise Management EcoSYStem) is a project aimed at creating an innovative platform of advanced...

IA4SI – Impact Assessment for Social Innovation

PROJECT DETAILS Funding Scheme CSA – Coordination and support action Call for Proposal FP7-ICT-2013-10 Partner Country BE GR IT IT Duration 2013-2016 Site What is meant by social innovation? The term, though relatively new, expresses a concept that...


PROJECT DETAILS Project type Consultancy Duration Sep. 2014- Mar. 2015 On behalf of an airline we have designed and built an ODS and a software for passenger safety management. The need was to provide competent authorities with access to passenger lists on certain...